Header imagepipe formed with ameriform  



AMERIFORM® as mentioned previously, is a very tough, tenacious polymeric dry film. With its unique patent-holding properties, we have blended different types of polymers, which give the product its unique ability to handle very deep draws. Acting like an extension ladder, as one polymer reaches its end point for heat, the next one takes over thereby allowing the metal to flow as easily deep in the draw, as in the beginning of the draw.

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In the categories of Paints, Pre-Paints or Primers, there have been many products on the market for years.  However, there has been certain limitations in the forming characteristics of these Paints as well as in welding, impact tests, salt spray results, etc.

Click on the pictures below for more information.

lawn mower deck with fusionbond bracket with fusionbond dome test with fusionbond pulleys with fusionbond



This new Epoxy based Paint, gives you all the benefits described above in terms of:

  • Stretch the LUMINCOAT further than the substrate
  • Gives great results on Impact testing
  • We can provide up to 500 hours of salt spray testing
  • Not able to weld through
  • COLOR-MATCHED so can be used on certain parts as top coat

We believe that LUMINCOAT could be the product of choice for many parts that can again, lower your production and post-stamping operations.


Stork Technologies, L.L.C., is continually working on technology that is 10-20 years more advanced than any current product. Source 1 Metal Treatments, L.L.C., as distributor, presentes these products to you the customer. The 5 products described above are more advanced than the current competition's state, and we are constantly reacting to customers’ needs in the new developing forming technologies


Forming Examples