Header imagepipe formed with ameriform  

Parts Washing Eliminated

There are opportunities outside the steel side of the business. One area of major costs is the washing of parts to remove the oils and lubricants before final assembly (on parts not needing E-coating or painting). The washing operation has many costs associated with it but rarely fully understood nor properly calculated:

  • Cost of labor
  • Cost of floor space
  • Cost of water and energy
  • Cost of storage
  • Cost of chemicals
  • Cost of waste and disposal
  • Cost of floor space
  • Cost of mishandling and mixing parts
  • Rusting problems

With AMERIFORMĀ®, you can eliminate these costs. Let's look at one case history:


A Tier 1 supplier of exhaust systems eliminates their washing operation thus saving over $1.5M in direct and indirect costs. Floor space then becomes available for production. Wastewater issues and fines are eliminated also.

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