Going along with cleaning costs, visualize your plant clean and dry. Look at your cost of gloves if you are using a "wet" lubricant. One major plant spends over $500,000.00 on gloves alone. What are you spending? Do you have a floor scrubber in constant operation to clean the floors? What is your cost for that? What is your cost for die maintenance? How often do you sharpen your dies?
An automotive supplier reduces the parts needing to be washed by 60%. Sludge haul-off of 75 cents/gallon is eliminated. Additionally, the need for an auto floor scrubber being run on the floors is eliminated. Glove costs go dramatically down. Total estimated direct and indirect cost savings? Over $500,000.
At a major Tier 1 supplier, doing deep draw work, the frictional heat is reduced by 100°F or 30% with use of AMERIFORM®. One Engineer estimates that the tool life will be increased by 30% doing a straight one-to-one comparison of % of heat reduction to tool life. The Tool Room Supervisor estimates a 45% increase in tool life. The Die Maker estimates a 60% increase in tool life. We go conservative and use 30% for our cost reduction projections to help justify the change. Final tool life extension reaches over 50%.
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